• PSC, Patia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751024
  • Kamalapur Pala Mandap, Badambadi Colony, Cuttack, Odisha 753012
  • 079781 21525
  • pragnyaspeechcenter@gmail.com

Speech and Language Therapy:

Stuttering Therapy Techniques:

Speech therapy for children who stutter can have a variety of goals, depending on the individual child and their needs. For some children, the goal may be to completely eliminate stuttering. This is often possible for pre-schoolers who are experiencing developmental disfluencies, which are temporary speech problems that are not caused by a neurological or physical disorder. For older children and adults, however, stuttering may be a more persistent problem. In these cases, the goal of speech therapy may be to help the child or adult communicate more effectively and confidently, even if stuttering does not go away completely.

  • Reducing tension and anxiety
  • Changing speech patterns
  • Changing the way they think about stuttering

Speech and Language Therapy Techniques:

Speech Articulation

Articulation is a common term used in speech pathology. Articulation is the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech. The production of sounds involves the coordinated movement of your lips, tongue, teeth, palate, and your respiratory system. Children will develop articulation skills as they grow up. However, some children may need extra support with articulation.

Motor skill Disorder

Motor skills are the muscle movements we use in our everyday lives. They allow us to do everything from walking and running, to brushing our teeth. Importantly, motor skills are learned abilities, which means that we aren’t born with them. Instead, we acquire motor skills through practice and repetition. Eventually, motor skills require little to no effort and can be performed with a great deal of accuracy.

Receptive language

Receptive Language is what children do with information when listening. It is how they process and understand what they hear. It’s how they understanding word meanings, sentences, and higher level language formsIf a child has consistent difficulty understanding others or sharing thoughts, ideas and feelings, they may have a language disorder. A language disorder can be a receptive or expressive language disorder

Expressive language

Expressive language is the “output” of language, the ability to express your wants and needs through verbal or nonverbal communication.Children that have difficulty communicating their wants and needs may have expressive language difficulties or an expressive language disorder. Expressive language disorders in young children are often identified when children are not meeting their developmental milestones.

Chewing and swallowing therapies

Swallowing difficulty (Dysphagia) is difficulty with eating, drinking, swallowing, and drooling.  A swallowing disorder may lead to poor nutrition, weight loss and other health problems. The cause of swallowing difficulty may vary from person to person. The Speech therapist teaches exercises to strengthen the muscles of the mouth. This might include facial massage and various tongue, lip, and jaw exercises.


Aphasia is a language disorder caused by damage in a specific area of the brain that controls language expression and comprehension. Aphasia leaves a person unable to communicate effectively with others.

Social skill

Social skills are ways of interacting with others that make it easier to succeed socially. They allow you to communicate effectively and understand what others are trying to communicate to you, both verbally and non-verbally.

Cognitive rehabilitation

Cognitive rehabilitation is as a systematic, functionally oriented service of therapeutic activities that is based on assessment and understanding of the patient’s brain-behavioural deficits


Dyslexia is a learning disability in reading. People with dyslexia have trouble reading at a good pace and without mistakes. They may also have a hard time with reading comprehension, spelling, and writing.

Different Speech therapy services


Online Speech therapy


Offline Speech therapy