• PSC, Patia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751024
  • 079781 21525
  • pragnyaspeechcenter@gmail.com


Dyslexia is a learning disability in reading. People with dyslexia have trouble reading at a good pace and without mistakes. They may also have a hard time with reading comprehension, spelling, and writing.

Phonological awareness:

Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder of written expression that impairs writing ability and fine motor skills.


Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder of written expression that impairs writing ability and fine motor skills.

Reading Awareness Skills

What you expect from your speech therapist

Dyslexia / Dysgraphia / Phonological awareness is a life-long condition – so the first step in treating it is early intervention, followed by multi-sensory teaching approach and emotional support.

The earlier a child is diagnosed, the easier it is for speech therapist to help them. With proper guidance, a dyslexic child can overcome his difficulties to a large extent and have a better life. This is done in a two-phased approach. The first phase is teaching the child using a multi-sensory learning procedure. The second phase is the emotional support extended by the counsellor.

1. The multi-sensory approach:

The key to helping a dyslexic child is through multi-sensory learning methods. Academic modules need to be broken down into smaller concepts that can be explained using multi-sensory inputs of touch, smell and sound.

As each letter is learned, children also learn to distinguish the sound of it. In a typical scenario of multi-sensory learning, the teacher may make the sound and the child may be asked to write the letter.

2. Emotional support extended by the Speech Therapist/ Teacher:

A dyslexic child may need the help of a Speech Therapist who will be working in tandem with the instructor in school, so that between the teacher in the classroom and the Speech Therapist at other times, the child gets the maximum help that will make him work at the same pace as his classmates.

It is important to remember here that dyslexia do not mean any disinterest to learn, but means an impediment to learning that will need some extra help.

3. Assistive Technologies:

There are some assistive technologies available in the markets that can help the dyslexic people in reading, writing, math and organizing.

Psychological therapy:

The parents of children can support their children in every possible way. They can help them so that the children may grow up to have a career of their own and become independent. Here are some guidelines for the parents-

  • Address the problem early: Recognize your child’s difficulties as early as possible.
  • Work with your child’s teacher: Work together with the teacher and counsellor to understand the child’s problem and the role you can play in the child’s life. Ensure that your child gets the special treatment required for his/her special abilities. The child may be different but not unique. Help him/her to participate in normal class work and school activities.
  • Teach organizing skills: Teach the child to organize his/her own room, table, work and time.
  • Encourage their talents; Dyslexic kids are usually gifted in certain areas. Encourage the child to develop these hobbies.
  • Encourage reading: Read aloud to your child from 6 months of age. Designate a reading time for everyone in the house so the child learns by example.
